Wow! I have my Monty. He is so calm and sweet and obedient. What a great dog. He stayed on his place the whole time I ate my dinner. He laid down by us the whole class, never stole another dogs treats, and never barked. What a cool dude. Now for the pictures. Its time for bed and he's in the bed with me. We are watching Barney, what else would best friends do?
Keep praying that he learns his job, to alert Mom and Dad or anyone to my seizures.
Hey Margs,
I'm so excited you finally got to meet Monte! I have told Emma all about her and she's excited to see him too! Emma is having lots of fun playing with Diesel, Emmy, and Lucy! She likes to sit in Denny's lap while he naps in his chair! I can't wait to see you guys in a few days. I'm heading home early tomorrow so I can spend some extra time with Kendra and the babies before they leave for New Mexico ;( I'm so ready meet my Monte! Diesel will have a new BIG friend to play with!!! YAY! See you soon! ~Paige
Hi Margs and Sals and the Mayor,
Looks like everything is going splendidly in Ohio. Monty looks so darned cute, almost as cute as Max, but at least he stays on PLACE way better!:) I cannot wait to see you, I'll be hanging out with you in less than 24 hours. Can we sing some Ariel songs again??
Have fun with Monty. Give your mom a hug for me! ~Mary
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