Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Day 2 of Training

Wow, Emma slept with me all night. I had a big seizure at 4:30 am, but she didn't really understand. She was very calm, but didn't do much else. I slept most of the day through class. My Mom and Dad worked with Emma on Sit, down, shake, high five, give five and under. Mom also worked with Jennifer the trainer on heeling. Emma got to play with the other dogs and she is faster than all of them, I think she is a miniature race horse. I love her, and so do Mom and Dad.


Anonymous said...

Emma is so cute, I can't wait to meet her. Is she excited to start school?

Anonymous said...

Matt is so excited to meet your new friend. I don't even think I'll be afraid of Emma.
Mrs. Lowe

Anonymous said...

The ultimate puppy love! Hey, Emma, would you please let Marg's mom and dad know when she is having a seizure? Let out a big ol' hound dog yowl! AWOOOOOO!!